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DIY Full Loft Bed Plans

DIY Full Loft Bed Plans

Regular price $8.00 USD
Regular price Sale price $8.00 USD
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What You'll Receive

8-page Printable PDF including Material List, Cut List, Tool List, and 3D diagrams with detailed steps to build the project.

Finished Dimensions

67” H x 79” W x 61” D

Materials Needed

2×4 boards
4×4 boards
1×4 boards
2-1/2” wood screws
#220 grit sandpaper
1-1/4″ wood screws
2-1/2” cabinet screws (powerhead)
Wood Stain (optional)
Wood glue
Mattress (Full)
Lights with command hooks (optional)

Recommended Tools

Miter saw
Table saw
Kreg Jig K5
Orbital sander
Circular saw (see note below)
Safety glasses
Face mask (for dust)
Ear protection

Important Information

  • All measurements are provided in inches.
  • All sales are final due to the nature of this digital product. If you have any concerns or questions, please reach out to us via email.
  • This digital product is intended for personal use only. Duplication or resale is strictly prohibited.

    🚀 Please Note: This is a downloadable digital plan and not an actual item.

This is a digital 8-page PDF download featuring step-by-step building plans for a full mattress size loft bed.

The plan is for a 67” H x 79” W x 61” D loft bed. 

The PDF download includes Material List, Cut List, Tool List, and 3D diagrams with detailed steps to build the project. Measurements are in inches, not metric. The file does NOT include SketchUp files.

You can find the full tutorial on this project: DIY full loft bed tutorial

Are you looking for loft bed plans for a TWIN-sized mattress? Find the DIY Loft Bed Plans For TWIN Mattress by clicking the link. 

**You will also get added to TwoFeetFirst's newsletter where you will receive updates from my site with new projects and plans. Don't worry, you can unsubscribe at any time.**

Due to the nature of this product, All sales are final. If you have concerns or questions please email me.

These plans are for personal use only and may not be duplicated or sold. 

IMPORTANT: This is a digital product. Nothing will be mailed to you.

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